
CIC Citizenship Manual 6 – Prohibitions


Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Citizenship Manual 6 – Prohibitions (the “CIC Citizenship Prohibitions Manual“) does not appear on its website.  The CIC Citizenship Prohibitions Manual provides direction and guidance to citizenship officers concerning the prohibitions on granting citizenship for security and criminality clearance purposes




Please note that what I have reproduced below should not be viewed as legal advice by CIC.  The reproduction of the material below has not occurred with the affiliation of the Government of Canada, nor with the endorsement of the Government of Canada. As well, given the nature of internal documents, some of the information may be out of date.

The CIC Citizenship Prohibitions Manual is divided into parts as outlined below.

Chapter 1 – What this Chapter is About

Chapter 2 – Program Objectives

Chapter 3 – The Act and Regulations

Chapter 4 – Instruments and Delegation

Chapter 5 – Department Policy

  • Clearance checks for citizenship applicants
  • When clearances are initiated
  • Clearance activities, sub-activities and status in GCMS
  • Clearances valid for up to
  • Correct clearance expiry dates should appear on the CARF and decision forms
  • Redoing RCMP clearance for a previous fingerprint hit
  • When new clearance needed
  • Requesting a new certificate
  • Urgent clearances
  • Splitting files where one applicant’s clearance is in process
  • Splitting files where the principle applicant’s security clearance is in process

Chapter 6 – Definitions

Chapter 7 – Immigration Clearance

  • Immigration clearance flow in GCMS
  • FOSS clearance sub-activities and status
  • Initial immigration clearance check
  • Final immigration clearance check
  • QRC verification
  • Follow-up required
  • Active immigration/CBSA file
  • Procedure if case referred to local citizenship office
  • Outstanding terms and conditions
  • Removal orders and stays of removal
  • Adverse information received after immigration cleared
  • Discrepancies in names or date of birth
  • Problem with date permanent residence obtained
  • Applicants under 11(1.1)
  • Voluntary relinquishment of permanent resident status
  • Residence
  • Evaluating residence when the applicant has lost permanent resident status

Chapter 8 – Sharing Client Information Between Citizenship and Immigration Offices

Chapter 9 – Criminal Clearance

  • Criminal clearance flow in GCMS
  • RCMP clearance sub-activites and status
  • Initial immigration clearance check
  • Fingerprints
  • If the applicant does not provide fingerprints

Chapter 10 – Assessing Prohibitions

  • Types of offences
  • Hybrid offences
  • Section 22 prohibitions
  • Section 21 prohibition
  • Sentencing

Chapter 11 – Young Offenders

Chapter 12 –Security Clearances

Chapter 13 – Section 29 Investigations

Chapter 14 – Third Party Information Received Regarding an Application for Citizenship

Appendix 1 – GCMS Procedures with Problem Clearances

Appendix 2 – Information Required When Contacting Case Management Branch

Appendix 3 – Sample Fingerprint-Attachment Letter

Appendix 4 – Sample Letter for Refusal to Grant / Administer the Oath

Appendix 5 – Criminal Justice Process: Adult

Appendix 6 – Criminal Justice Process: Youth

Appendix 7 – Definitions

Appendix 8 – Charges and Offences

Appendix 9 – Sentencing

Appendix 10 – List of Abbreviations used in Court Documents

Appendix 11 – Citizenship Applicants with Hybrid (dual/crown elect) offences

Appendix 12 – Urgent guidelines on processing criminal and security clearances

Appendix 13 – Finalizing immigration clearances sent to the Query Response Centre (QRC) 


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